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¥Global Configuration

上下文 SWRConfig 可以为所有 SWR 钩子提供全局配置(options)。

¥The context SWRConfig can provide global configurations (options) for all SWR hooks.

<SWRConfig value={options}>

在此示例中,所有 SWR 钩子将使用提供的相同 fetcher 来加载 JSON 数据,并且默认情况下每 3 秒刷新一次:

¥In this example, all SWR hooks will use the same fetcher provided to load JSON data, and refresh every 3 seconds by default:

import useSWR, { SWRConfig } from 'swr'
function Dashboard () {
  const { data: events } = useSWR('/api/events')
  const { data: projects } = useSWR('/api/projects')
  const { data: user } = useSWR('/api/user', { refreshInterval: 0 }) // override
  // ...
function App () {
  return (
        refreshInterval: 3000,
        fetcher: (resource, init) => fetch(resource, init).then(res => res.json())
      <Dashboard />


¥Nesting Configurations

SWRConfig 合并来自父上下文的配置。它可以接收对象或功能配置。函数式接收父配置作为参数并返回一个你可以自定义的新配置。

¥SWRConfig merges the configuration from the parent context. It can receive either an object or a functional configuration. The functional one receives the parent configuration as argument and returns a new configuration that you can customize yourself.


¥Object Configuration Example

import { SWRConfig, useSWRConfig } from 'swr'
function App() {
  return (
        dedupingInterval: 100,
        refreshInterval: 100,
        fallback: { a: 1, b: 1 },
          dedupingInterval: 200, // will override the parent value since the value is primitive
          fallback: { a: 2, c: 2 }, // will merge with the parent value since the value is a mergeable object
        <Page />
function Page() {
  const config = useSWRConfig()
  // {
  //   dedupingInterval: 200,
  //   refreshInterval: 100,
  //   fallback: { a: 2,  b: 1, c: 2 },
  // }


¥Functional Configuration Example

import { SWRConfig, useSWRConfig } from 'swr'
function App() {
  return (
        dedupingInterval: 100,
        refreshInterval: 100,
        fallback: { a: 1, b: 1 },
        value={parent => ({
          dedupingInterval: parent.dedupingInterval * 5,
          fallback: { a: 2, c: 2 },
        <Page />
function Page() {
  const config = useSWRConfig()
  // {
  //   dedupingInterval: 500,
  //   fallback: { a: 2, c: 2 },
  // }

额外的 API

¥Extra APIs


¥Cache Provider

除了列出的所有 options 之外,SWRConfig 还接受可选的 provider 功能。请参阅 缓存 部分了解更多详细信息。

¥Besides all the options listed, SWRConfig also accepts an optional provider function. Please refer to the Cache section for more details.

<SWRConfig value={{ provider: () => new Map() }}>
  <Dashboard />


¥Access To Global Configurations

你可以使用 useSWRConfig 钩子来获取全局配置,以及 mutatecache

¥You can use the useSWRConfig hook to get the global configurations, as well as mutate and cache:

import { useSWRConfig } from 'swr'
function Component () {
  const { refreshInterval, mutate, cache, ...restConfig } = useSWRConfig()
  // ...

嵌套配置将得到扩展。如果没有使用 <SWRConfig>,则返回默认值。

¥Nested configurations will be extended. If no <SWRConfig> is used, it will return the default ones.